Speak to Our Students

The BCS Speakers’ Bureau invites successful professionals, including businesspeople, artists and activists to speak with and motivate students at BCS’ transfer high school, Brooklyn High School for Leadership and Community Service (BHSLCS). BHSLCS serves students who have either fallen behind their classmates in conventional high school settings, or have previously dropped out. These students face challenges like economic stress, familial strife, legal trouble, community violence and more.

The BCS Speakers Bureau believes in the transformational power of positive role models, individuals with whom BHSLCS students can identify and relate. Speakers share similarities with BHSLCS students via their background, neighborhood, upbringing or ethnicity. Ultimately, the goal of the Speakers’ Bureau is to empower speakers to inspire students to continue to work hard, set goals and dream big.

If you are interested in joining the Speakers’ Bureau, please contact Program Coordinator and BCS Board Member Steve Williamson at 516-321-9481 or steve@nytrialesquire.com.

Past Speakers

Brooklyn Leadership has been fortunate to have the following speakers volunteer their time to share with our students their stories, achievements, struggles, and career paths:

BCS works in neighborhoods impacted by systemic poverty. We strengthen communities by fostering the educational success of children, the leadership development of youth, the employment and housing stability of adults, the advancement of individuals living with disabilities, and the empowerment of seniors and families.

Brooklyn Community Services

151 Lawrence Street, Floor 4
Brooklyn, NY 11201

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